I've always wanted to try my hand at a custom using LEDs. The problem is, I hate wiring, especially things this
small. Despite this, I started collecting all different sorts of LEDs. Some came out of games, some out of movie-themed
pins, some even came out of sneakers. I threw them all together into this robot.
Left untouched for years, the giant rests... |

The beast is revealed, but will he live again? |

Power up slowly... |

Is that a heart beating? |


Okay, here's the breakdown:
The base is about 5% Stikfas (the frame holding up the overhead light) and 95% collected junk. There is a red overhead
light and the blue lights at the bottom flash in sequence, in a "chasing" pattern. In it's former life it was an X-Men
2 pin given to Wal-mart employees.
The robot is 95% stikfas, with the remaining 5% being electronics or the rubber "strapping". His optical sensor
is a green LED and his beating heart is an orange LED hooked to a flashing circuit. He was painted with silver enamel
that tended to rub off as I worked on him, but I think it gives him an older, worn-out look.
Click the thumbnail for the full-sized picture.